Who Knew?

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81uKiW-jZjL._AC_UL320_SR214,320_.jpgI was thinking about what to post and the story of my former Bishop came to mind. I sat under his leadership for about 2 years.

My family had known he and his wife at the time, for many years and while I sat under his leadership, his beautiful wife was dealing with cancer. It seemed as though she had overcome, but sadly she did not and she went home to be with the Lord.

They had been married for many years and I can only imagine his grief in losing his mate of so many years. I believe they were married over 30 years.

Because the Bishop was a Godly man, he knew that he needed to be married again so he sought the Lord concerning another wife and God led him to his God ordained wife and I believe they have been married a couple of years now. I know you are probably thinking that there is nothing really unusual about the story. Here is where it gets amazing:

I heard him share his testimony about his new wife and how years earlier God had given her a prophetic word, through him, about them working in ministry together and him being a covering for her. At the time, he was married to his first wife so naturally, it was all about ministry. He shared that he tried to get together with her for ministry, but God did not allow it. He never imagined that marriage would be the outcome of that prophetic word spoken years earlier. Fast forward they are working together in ministry, Pastors of a church and of course he is her covering, both spiritually and as her husband.

When I first heard this story it blew my mind. It was like I saw how God’s ways really are. God knew that this man would lose his wife and the provision was made and announced many years earlier for the next choice. What I love the most is how happy he is to be with his new wife. God gave him just what he needed!

Listen, we don’t know what is down the road. But God does. And every provision has been made, whether it’s a mate, a job, a move, business etc. No matter what, trust Him!

Isaiah 55:8-9King James Version (KJV)

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

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