Ready For Change!

bg12As I look back over the last 8 years here in Florida, I feel strongly that this season may be coming to an end.  Florida was the place that God sent me to care for my Dad at the end of his life.  And since he has been gone for two years now, I’m sensing that there is a change.

I’ve been thinking a lot about NY and a fellow blogger mentioned that perhaps I should try to get involved in a church and get more involved socially, but I have to say, Florida, just had not been a place where I could put down roots no matter how hard I tried. And yes, I will be taking myself wherever I go, however, New York is my home and I still have friends, family and I would immediately have a church home because my brother is a Pastor. Everything I am missing in my life is back home.

I can see it. I’s been a hard summer which has turned me off to this weather. I’m longing for change of seasons again and can’t imagine spending another holiday season isolated from family, so we will see.

Yes, I have been looking for jobs, and there are no doors opening. Yesterday, I had to go to my storage unit and as I opened it, I prayed for a place to call my own. I’m tired and I am ready to make a change! Nothing is written in stone, but I am doing some serious thinking. But then again, I could just need to take a visit.

The bottom line is what is God saying?

Proverbs 3:5-6

New International Version (NIV)

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]